Senin, 18 November 2013


Halooooo! Aku dapat tugas buat nulis biodata keluarga aku di blog. Hmm kita mulai dariiiiii…. orang yang paling berarti dihidupku ya hehe.

Itu foto orang tuaku. Alhamdulillah masih punya orang tua lengkap. Aku manggil Ibuku dgn sebutan ‘Ibu’ dan Ayahku dgn sebutan ‘Bapak’. So, Ibuku bernama Dra. Mahmudah, MM. Lahir di Singkawang, 21 Agustus 1966. Pendidikan tertinggi ibuku S2, huuu keren! Beliau bekerja sebagai Pegawai Negeri di Kantor Dinas Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, didekat rumah kantornya hehe ._.v

Next. Lelaki yg gagah, keren dan tampan dibawah ini bernama Turiman, SE. Lahir di Pontianak, 25 Maret 1966. Pendidikan tertingginya S1. Profesinya sebagai Pegawai Bank BRI tingkat FO, kurang tau juga sih FO itu apa hehe pokoknya yg buat narik nasabah buat nabung. Banyak yang bilang kalo beliau mirip sama Mario teguh. Fact sih, tapi kalo pake kacamata aja. Kalo kacamatanya dibuka gaterlalu mirip ._. Let's see!

Wdyt? .____.v

Nah, ini aku hehe. Namaku Nadiyah Putri Amanda, biasa dipanggil Nadiyah atau Nanad. Tapi coba aja kerumahku nanyain pake nama itu gabakal ada yg kenal hehe. Aku lahir di Pontianak, 17 Februari 1998. Sekarang sih masih duduk dibangku SMA kelas 11 di SMAN 1 Pontianak. Motivasi aku masuk SMAN 1 Pontianak sih pengen buat orang tua bangga, trus apa ya………. bangga aja gitu bisa masuk SMANSA. Cita cita aku pengen jadi Pegawai Negeri. Itu cita cita aku dari SD sampai sekarang. Aku termotivasi sama ibuku, ntah kenapa suka aja liat seorang pegawai negeri. Semoga aja bisa hehe amin.

Ini adikku. Adik satu satunya yg nyebelin, tp kadang bikin sayang banget. Ciyatttttt. Namanya Farhan Maulan Nughroho. Lahir di Pontianak, 1 Juli 2000. Sekarang kelas 8, atau 2 SMP di SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak. Awalnya dia mau masuk SMPN 3 tapi krn waktu itu masih SBI jadinya gajadi. Adek aku nih baik bah, perhatian, sayang sama keluarga, tapi kadang tuh kalo udah nyebelin….. nyebelin banget! Kadang sok ganteng, sok keren juga, iyuwh-_- tapi kadang dia memang keren sih, ‘kadang’. Kalo lagi tidur kadang kasian juga liat dia, ntah kenapa. Oh iya, di lebih tinggi dari aku loh! Terakhir ukur kalo gasalah minggu lalu, tingginya 177 cm. Kyaaaa tinggi banget ><

Oh iya, aku satu rumah juga sama mbah ku. Mbah ini ibu dari Bapakku. Namanya Suwarti. Lahir di Pontianak, 2 Januari 1944. Wih lebih tua setahun dr Indonesia hehe. Mbahku pandai banget masak. Gak ada deh yang bisa ngalahin kelezatan masakannya hehe. :9

Oke sekian deh cerita aku tentang keluarga terbaik selama hidupku meskipun kadang suka kesel sama keluarga sendiri hehe. See you readers!

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Task #4 - Listening Comprehension

Okey, seriously I forgot to post my task in my blog. I felt so lazy, I don't know why. Hmmm hehe ._.

Last week Ma'am Mimi taught us about Listening Comprehension, she gave us a text and then we listened what speaker told, how he told, how he spelt the words. After that she gave us some question and we should answer it based on the text but we wrote it by own sentences. She asked to do it with our partner and my partner is Nanda. Check this out~

Questions :
1. What does the monolog tell us about?
2. What advice that you can get from the monolog?
3. Tell me your opinion about the tips from the speaker!

Answers :
1. He tell us about how to show our feeling to other. We should show it gentlely, don't hurt their heart with a rude word. We should correct ourself, think positive with them. Don't judge people if we don't like them.
2. The advise that we can get from the monolog is don't criticise, advise, control and lecture other. Just listen empathy and in a non-judgemental way. It means don't get mad easily and don't judge other before we know them well.
3. We think the advise can help us to control our feeling, so It will make us be person who loved by other because we can control our self, especially our emotion and attitude.

That's! I think the grammar was bad. Hmmmm sorry yeah Ma'am Mimi, I'am learning hehe ^^

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013


Aldo   : Hi guys!
AMN   : Hi Aldo!
Nadia : What's up?
Aldo   : Look, I've just found this inside of indomie.
Angga : What''s that?
Aldo   : Here, this is the grandprize! I finally win a car, but I should pay the transfer
           fee... 200 thousand rupiahs.
Mutia  : Can I see it?
Aldo   : Here....
AMN   : Wow! I can't believe it. Are you kidding? You must be joking!
Aldo   : *laugh*
Angga : Be careful Aldo, there're so many scam.
Aldo   : What? Really?
Mutia  : Yeah be careful Aldo.
Aldo   : So, what should I do?
Nadia : Don't trust to much. As Angga said, there's so many scam.
Mutia  : I think you'd better don't pay the transfer fee first.
Angga : Yeah she's right. How about if you ask the agent?
Aldo   : Okay, thanks for your advises guys.
Angga : Uhm. Sorry guys, I have something to do. Can I go home now?
AMN   : Okay no problem, see you!

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Me, Swiss and English.

Hello! I'm grade eleven now, in science six. First day when I saw my class situation, I didn't feel comfortable. Because there weren't my friends from my old class and they've had their own group. I wanted to join with them but I didn't understand what they're talking. So, I thought that It'll be boring class. Day by day, I began comfortable with this class. They're a little crazy and nice to me.

My expect for this class uhm....... We can be united and be a crazy and amazing class.

Oh ya. Yesterday, Ma'am Mimi, Our English teacher, asked to my class to make a blog. She wants that we always post a subject after she taught us. It was the first time, she teach me. She introduced herself, told about her rule during the process of learning English and she also told us about the material in first semester. They are Report Text, Narrative Text and Analytical Exposition. In second semester, there is Stand Up Comedy. Oh seriously, I can't do it. I'm afraid that my friends aren't laugh and it's not funny. But I'll try it.

Hmm she also asked some of my classmate to introduce their self and their opinion about this class. I hope in grade eleven, I can improve my english's ability. Amin.

I think that's all. Thanks for reading and.... sorry for the grammar._.